In our Thursday group classes you will learn how to support your baby's movement milestones through sensitive touch, gentle movement, and interactive play.
You will also have the opportunity to connect with other parents and your babies will see other babies and interact with them.
Contact me for more information at 704.905.8594 or at [email protected]
Hi, I’m Paula Alonso. I’ve been involved with movement education for over 20 years. In my work both with adults and with children, it’s always very clear the importance of a baby’s early movements in the first year of life. As a teacher of The Feldenkrais Method, I’ve come to understand what we can do – and avoid doing! - as parents and practitioners to support the amazing ability that babies have to learn and explore as they figure out how to roll over, lift their heads, crawl, sit up, stand, and walk. It’s quite a journey for both babies and their parents! It would be my honor to support you and your baby along this process.
If you have any specific concerns about your baby’s movement development that you would like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to contact me. If appropriate, we can schedule a private session to figure out how to best help your baby.