Awareness question of the week:
When you are sitting, do you tend to have more weight on the right side of the pelvis or on the left? Or is it equally balanced? Throughout this week, I invite you to every once in a while bring your attention to your pelvis and sense where your weight is. Does it vary? Does it tend to be always on the same side? Can you tell? Try not to judge it or correct it. Take a moment just to be curious and get to know what you do. If you can't tell, try lifting one sit bone off the chair just a little bit. It's a small movement. As if you wanted to place a sheet of paper underneath. Do it a few times on one side. Then do it on the other side. Is one side harder to lift than the other? That's probably the side where you tend to have more weight. I would love to hear what you found out. Email me or leave a line below with any comments or questions. Comments are closed.
About this blog:Every week I post a new question to direct your attention to one aspect of your movement habits that you might not be aware of..